Home Learning

Home learning is an essential part of being a successful learner in life. At Buglawton Primary School, we value its place as it helps our children to practise and perfect their skills, as well as deepen their knowledge, and understanding through regular short bursts of repetitive tasks. So rather than completing all of a spelling or times table activity during one session (e.g. on a Saturday afternoon) doing a little task every day will help to retain learning better. Home learning also gives parents/carers an idea of what your child is learning in school.


We expect every child to:

  • Read most nights for at least 10 minutes from Reception up to 30 minutes in Year 6 (it is not always necessary to read to an adult in upper KS2, although support with comprehension and understanding of vocabulary is extremely beneficial)
  • Practise spellings daily
  • Learn ‘Maths Facts’ until they are known by heart
  • Take advantage of learning internet-based app activities (Spellingshed, TTRockstars, Numbots etc.) for a short activity that can be daily or a few sessions over the week
  • Consider completing additional topic-based activities over the half-term to contribute to understanding and deepening knowledge of the class topics
  • Finish work that has not been completed due to choice in behaviour.


KS1 should be practising phonic sounds and key words at least three times a week

Year 6 pupils should be consolidating learning through their own English and Maths Revision Books.


We expect every parent to:

  • Promote a love of reading: reading to your child, listening to your child read and talking about books that are read
  • Sign the Home-School Planner to confirm what reading has taken place
  • Check bags/emails daily for letters and messages sent home 
  • Talk to your child about their learning in school and support them when necessary
  • Check that any work not finished in school due to choice in behaviour has been completed and returned to school the following morning.


In creating this home learning timetable, we have followed the Government’s guidelines of:

  • Year 1 - 1 hour a week
  • Years 3 and 4 - 1½ hours per week
  • Years 5 and 6 - ½ an hour a day.


Home learning and helping your child at home

Home learning is a very important part of your child’s education. By encouraging and helping your child to do their home learning you will be helping them to practise and extend the skills and knowledge learned in school, whilst encouraging them to be an independent learner. Children whose parents get involved with their education will do better at school.

Top Tips

  • Know how much home learning your child should be doing at each stage of their education and make sure that they are doing this
  • Be interested: ask your child what tasks they have been set and what they have learned
  • Encourage your child to complete their home learning sooner rather than leaving it to the last minute
  • Encourage your child to improve on their home learning; are there any ways they could make their work better?
  • Provide a quiet space for them to do their home learning, where there is no television
  • It is very important to attend Parent Evenings, where teachers will show you how you can help your child succeed. The school will advise you when Parent Evenings are happening.
  • If your child needed lots of support, or more challenge, please record this in their Home-School Planner
  • Refer to our school website's class pages for further information and guidance.


1) Daily Reading - reading to an adult so the adult can ask questions to check to understand the text.  In school, we use VIPERS (Vocabulary - what does the word mean? Inference - what does it suggest?  How are they feeling? Prediction - what do you think will happen next?  Why? Explain - what is happening? Retrieve - where did they go?  What day was it? Summarise - so what was the chapter/story about?

2) TT Rockstars / Numbots - use your login to practise maths skills

3) Spelling Shed - use your login to practise your spellings

4) www.spag.com - use your login to complete spelling and grammar tasks

5) www.readtheory.org - this is an excellent personalised reading comprehension site

6) Lego enthusiasts can have a go at the 30 day lego challenge below!  Take photos of your creations and send them into school!

7) STEM activities for families below

Individual classes will also upload news and learning to their google classroom pages. Logins can be found in pupil planners or ask the class teacher.



https://play.edshed.com/login                                               www.spag.com

https://ttrockstars.com/login                                                  play.spellingshed.com


Files to Download

Student Login