Curriculum Intent

Intent Statement

The curriculum at Buglawton Primary School encompasses all core and foundation subjects and enables us to deliver quality first teaching and experiences for all of our children.

We have carefully designed our curriculum so that children can build on their knowledge, skills and understanding ensuring that they are able to know more and remember more over time.

Buglawton Primary School is committed to helping our children reach their full potential and excel in their education by providing a highly inclusive environment where all children are supported to ‘Be the best they can’ through individual challenge, personalised curriculums, targeted support, adaptive and precision teaching.

During their time at Buglawton Primary school and when they move onto the next stage of their learning, we strive for our children to have:

  • a passion for learning
  • a sense of individual achievement
  • a growth mindset where they believe in their ability to improve and achieve their goals
  • sound knowledge, skills and understanding, transferrable to a range of situations
  • a wide range of vocabulary
  • a strong sense of self and emotional intelligence
  • a feeling of belonging to the school and wider community
  • an understanding of how to keep themselves safe
  • aspirations for themselves for the future
  • a sound knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts
  • an understanding of how we impact the environment and how we can make changes to improve the future
  • an understanding of British Values
  • an opportunity to connect with the past, live in the present and look to the future
  • creativity
  • confidence to take risks in order to achieve and succeed
  • a firm set of values with a strong sense of moral purpose and respect for others
  • the ability to make healthy choices

Our Bees to Success provide the basis for the way in which we expect the children to learn. We aim for children to:

  • Be resourceful and independent
  • Be determined and resilient
  • Be a co-operative team player
  • Be reflective
  • Be curious and inquisitive
  • Be ready and willing to learn

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