Relationships Education

Relationships Education will put in place the building blocks needed for positive and safe relationships, including with family, friends and online. Your child will be taught what a relationship is, what friendship is, what family means and who can support them.

In an age-appropriate way, Buglawton Primary School will cover how to treat each other with kindness, consideration, and respect.

By the end of primary school, pupils will have been taught content on:

-Families and Relationships

-Health and Wellbeing 

-Safety and the Changing Body


-Economic Wellbeing 

And our year 6 children will have been taught a further unit of Identity. 

You can find further detail by searching ‘relationships and health education’ on GOV.UK.

Below is Buglawton Primary School's proposed PSHE and Relationships Education Curriculum Overview and the Curriculum Statement. Resources to support learning will be from sites such as the NSPCC to ensure that pupils are receiving the latest professional information.

Parents were invited to read through the overview of units and some lesson plans and resources during Parents Evening on Monday 18th November 2024. There was an additional Parent Consultation for year 6 parents on Tuesday 19th November 2024.  If there are any questions or feedback comments, then please email Miss McAvoy: [email protected] 


Money Twist is a highly interactive financial education programme, designed to help set positive money habits and mind-sets from an early age. MyBnk’s unique and engaging activities teach young people to become informed consumers, savvy savers, and mindful spenders by making finance fun.   

They have designed their programmes to be engaging and impactful for the young people. 

Money Twist is split into lower and upper KS2 and will be delivered in years 3, 4 and 5 in the Spring Term. Their expert-led sessions are complemented by an assembly, teacher resources and family challenge packs. They are taught over three 75-minute workshops. 

For more information please click the link MyBnk - Delivering expert-led financial education to young people 

MONEY TWIST 2.jpg money twist.jpg

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