

At Buglawton Primary School, we believe that computing is an integral part of preparing children to live in a world where technology is continuously and rapidly evolving. Computing has deep links with mathematics, science and design and technology; and is used as part of our creative curriculum throughout all subjects to encourage the children to work creatively. Computing also ensures that pupils increase their knowledge and develop their skills to become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world. We are lucky to have access to iPads and Chromebooks, along with student access to G-Suite for Education. 

All children from our EYFS through to Year 6 follow a scheme of work that is in line with the national curriculum and is relevant to the world in which they live. We consciously ensure that both children and parents are up to date with E-Safety. E-Safety is fed into all computing lessons. 

What it's like to be a Computer Scientist at Buglawton

EYFS - Reception

Students in Reception have gained practice using digital technology through their use of the interactive whiteboard. They have also become more accustomed to using apps on iPads. 


KS1 - Year 1 

In Year 1, students have been developing their formatting skills using Google Slides. They have developed their ability to type capital letters and use a keyboard and trackpad efficiently as well as changing the colour and font. 

Y1 Evidence.jpg

LKS2 - Year 3 

In Year 3, students progress to using the full version of Scratch. This student has used sequencing to create an animation, added their own sprites and backgrounds, and used control functions to ensure their algorithm is accurate. 

Y3 Scratch.png

UKS2 - Year 6 

Students in Year 6 created Scratch projects involving variables. They used block-based coding to create a score and time variables, designing their code and editing it as they produced their work. 

Y6 Scratch Project.png

Safer Internet Day 2024

Along with schools across the country and the world, Buglawton celebrated Safer Internet Day in February. Each class took part in an assembly exploring showing respect and developing relationships online. Following this, classes took part in an activity of their own throughout the day.


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