Pre-School 2024 - 2025

Miss Hornby

Mrs Rosson


Welcome to Buglawton Preschool!! 

Preschool is a wonderful time for your children to immerse themselves in new and exciting opportunities and experiences. We hope that by developing secure relationships with both our children and parents we can build on children's interests and recent experiences, creating a vital home-school relationship. 

We aim to respond to and enhance children's learning opportunities through a variety of topics and 'in the moment'. This approach ensures children's natural curiosities and ideas can be discovered with the support and encouragement of skilled practitioners and supports our whole-school vision to create curious, life-long learners.

Class Teacher: Miss Hornby and Mrs Rosson

Miss H.png          Mrs R.png

Preschool Assistants: Mrs Falato and Miss Painter

Miss P.png   Mrs F.png


We are all really looking forward to welcoming your children to Buglawton Pre-School. We can’t wait to get to know all the children and their parents/carers to support the transition into school.

If you have any queries or concerns at any point throughout the year please do not hesitate to contact myself or Mrs Rosson via email:

[email protected]

[email protected]

Preschool Curriculum: 

The pre-school’s curriculum follows the foundation stage guidelines drawn up by the DFEE and is organised into 7 areas of learning. The Early Years Framework is underpinned by three vital themes: a unique child, positive relationships and an enabling environment which when effectively working together create quality learning and development opportunities for all children.

We endeavour to ensure that our practice supports and enhances these themes by responding to our learners 'in the moment' through skilled questioning and open-ended resources. Our children are encouraged to seek experiences within our provision that both inspire and challenge their learning. Children are given the opportunity to choose what or where they would like to play, rather than being directed to an activity by a practitioner. When the practitioner engages with the child, they carefully observe and enquire about the learning taking place, which in turn presents exceptional 'teachable moments'.

Our teaching team follows a three-step structure to our assessment of our learners:

1. The Initial Observation (and possibly the assessment)

2. The teaching of the appropriate next step

3. The Outcome

Our Learning Environment: 

The Preschool offers a bright and large indoor space with direct access into an inspiring outdoor area, allowing free flow throughout the day. It is our aim to ignite a child’s natural curiosity. We believe that our learning environment is the 'second teacher' and work hard to ensure that our environment is enhanced following our children's curiosities.


What does a day in Preschool look like?

Please see the Social Story about Preschool to read through with your child here.

Our usual Preschool day begins at 8:40am with our morning session ending at 11:40. Our afternoon session begins at 11:50am ending at 2:50pm and includes lunch. 

Admissions Enquiries: 

Although spaces are filling up fast, from September 2021 we will have availability Monday through to Friday, where we will be offering both full-day and half-day sessions. Our preschool day begins at 8:40am with our morning session ending at 11.40am, our afternoon session begins at 11:50am until 2:50pm and includes lunchtime.

A 15-hour funding allocation entitles your child to the equivalent of 2 full days and 1 half-day (either morning or afternoon) in our setting. You can of course choose to increase these sessions by 'topping up' your child's hours. 

For all enquiries for September places please email: [email protected]

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