School Council
How does the School Council work?
Each class has two Council members, a boy, and a girl. Although the Reception and Year 1 children are very young, the older members of the council support and encourage them to join in our lively discussions.
When and where are the meetings?
The school council meets every month. The meeting times are issued in advance and are held in the Meeting Room.
How can I have my say?
If you would like to bring something to the attention of the school council you can either tell your class Council Members or write it down on a piece of paper and put it in the suggestions box in your classroom.
Before each meeting, our Council Members will check the suggestion boxes and bring any items to the meeting.
Last year, the council introduced new after extra-curricular clubs, an ipad session at lunchtimes and a fair rota of different areas for pupils to use throughout the week.
How can I find out what happened at the meeting?
The class representatives will find time to talk to your class as a whole after the meetings to tell you about important issues.
At other times the whole School Council may talk to you in assembly.
You can also read the minutes of the School Council meetings by looking at the School Council noticeboard in the school hall.
Our School Council has a voice and they are making a difference to our school!